Kobe Beef (Shin Kobe, Japan)

- 1 head of garlic
- 3 Tbsp. canola oil (vegetable or grapeseed oil, etc)
- 1 12-oz. wagyu or American Kobe Beef
- Juice from lemon
- 1 Tbsp. red wine
- Take out the large cloves from the head of garlic. Thinly slice them and remove the green core. You can omit this step; however, the core will come out easily from the garlic and burns quickly, which will result in darkening the oil color. Therefore, if you have time, I recommend removing it.
- Heat the oil in the frying pan over medium-low heat and fry the garlic until golden brown, then dry on paper towel. Transfer the garlic infused oil into a small bowl.
- Remove excess fat and tendons. The fat separates different parts of the rib eye for wagyu so I cut into two parts (middle photo).
- Put generous amount of salt and pepper on the meat.
- Heat the frying pan on medium heat and add garlic oil. When the frying pan is hot, but not smoking, it’s ready to cook.
- For Wagyu, place the meat and cook for 1½ minutes. Do not touch the meat during this time in order to get nice sear. You can press the meat down gently to sear evenly. Turn over and cook for 1.5 mintues.
- For American Kobe, place the meat and cook for 2 minutes. Do not touch the meat during this time in order to get nice sear. You can press the meat down gently to sear evenly. Turn over and cook for 2 mintues.
- Squeeze some lemon juice and pour the wine.
- For wagyu, I cut it into bite size pieces on the frying pan. For American Kobe beef, I took it out and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing the meat, so it’ll lose less juice when slicing.